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Lab 5: CheckStyle, Stacks, Unit Testing


The main goals for this lab are:

  1. Get practice using a checkstyle
  2. Work with Stacks
  3. Get started with JUnit

You will need to have a TA check off on all your exercises. If you do not complete the lab during the lab session, you must have a TA check off all your exercises during office hours.

Exercise 1 - Checkstyle

During today’s class we introduced checkstyle. Checkstyle is an open-sourced tool that allows one to easily check whether their code complies with customizable rules.

Your task is to modify from lecture08 so that the checkstyle passes.

Getting Started:

  1. Download the xml checkstyle from the course GitHub repository: wget
  2. Download the checkstyle-8.16 jar file from here:
  3. Run java -jar checkstyle-8.16-all.jar –c cs151_checks.xml to see the checkstyle errors.
  4. Modify until the above command runs without any errors.

Exercise 2 -

Download from wget This is an implementation of the postfix evaluator we discussed in class with the built-in Java Stack. Look through the code to understand how it work. Run to interact with it a bit.

Exercise 2.1 - Testing PostfixEvaluator

Run the tests we provide in TestPostFixEvaluator.

You can download from wget

Make sure the checkstyle passes for When you run the checkstyle for TestPostfixEvaluator you will see 7 errors. Fix all them and then continue.

Once the test file passes the checkstyle, you will run the tests. To run the tests, you will need to make sure you download two jar files:

  1. junit-4.13.2.jar - wget
  2. hamcrest-core-1.13.jar - wget

To compile and run the tests, run the following command:

javac -cp .:junit-4.13.2.jar
java -cp "./junit-4.13.2.jar:./hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:./" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore TestPostfixEvaluator

You can alternatively use the script I created in class:

Test it using Make sure you understand how it works.

Now, add 4 more tests to TestPostfixEvaluator. The tests should each combine multiple operators.

Exercise 2.2 - Modifying PostfixEvaluator

Copy to a new file called Modify to convert a postfix expression to a parenthesized infix expression and display it to the user. Modifications to should not be extensive. The only difference is that when encountering an operator, instead of pushing the result of the arithmetic operation involving this operator and the top two operands onto the stack, i.e. a number, you will consruct the string representing that arithmetic operation and push the string onto the stack instead. Below are some examples:

Sample Input 1
5 6 + 9 *
( ( 5 + 6 ) * 9 )
Sample Input 2
8 9 10 + *
( 8 * ( 9 + 10 ) )

Make sure complies with the style guide.

Exercise 2.3 - Testing PostfixStringEvaluator

We provide three tests in TestPostfixStringEvaluator.

You can download from wget

Again, make sure that passes the checkstyle. There will be 7 checkstyle errors in the file we are providing you.

Now add 4 more tests, make them a bit complicated.

Excercise 3 - DoubleStack

Now we are going to implement 2 stacks using 1 array.

Imlement a DoubleStack class using a single underlying array that stores two different stacks (stack 1 and stack 2). One of the stacks grows upwards from index 0 upward, and the other stacks grows from the end of the array down. So these two stacks grow towards each other. Unlike ExpandableArray you can have empty spaces in your data structure.

The top indexes are denoted by top1 and top2 for stack 1 and stack 2, respectively. Thus, the DoubleStack class should have three instance variables:

  1. E[] theArray,
  2. int top1,
  3. int top2

Make sure theArray locations 0 to top1 contain elements in stack 1 and theArray locations theArray.length-1 downto top2 stores the elements in stack 2. You can assume a max stack size of 100 for each stack.

Methods to implement

Implement the following methods.

If the runtime of any of the methods besides for printStack is not O(1), you are writing unnecessary loops.

Before implementing the tests, make sure to create a test fille called that uses JUnit tests.

3.1 void push(int stackId, E e):

push e onto stack stackId (1 or 2). In other words, it will push onto stack 1 if stackId==1 and onto stack 2 if stackId==2. Throw an IllegalStateException if stack is full. Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

3.2 E pop(int stackId):

pop from stackId, return null if empty. Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

3.3 E top(int stackId):

top element from stackId, return null if empty. Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

3.4 int size(int stackId):

return size of stack stackId. Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

3.5 boolean isEmpty(int stackId)

Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

3.6 String printStack(int stackId)

Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the stackId is not 1 or 2.

Wrap up

In todays lab we covered checkstyle, stacks, and unit testing.

Signing out

Before leaving, make sure your TA/instructor have signed you out of the lab. If you finish the lab early, you are free to go. If you do not finish the lab in time, you will need to go to office hours so that a TA can check your work.