Due: 2024-05-09 23:59:00EDT
Rewrite your HW04 to use an AVL tree as your main data structure, instead of a sorted ArrayList. Recall that the zipcodes in uszipcodes.csv are already listed in lexicographic order and thus using an unbalanced binary search tree (i.e. LinkedBinaryTree) will guarantee to result in a linear tree (when you insert in sorted order) and thus will have worst-case O(n) complexity on all operations. This is why an AVL-tree is a good choice. Note that the AVL-tree’s advantage over a sorted ArrayList is not on lookup - both binary search on sorted array and AVL have O(logn) lookup, however, an AVL supports O(logn) insertion and deletion but an ArrayList only has O(n) insertion and deletion because of shifting.
Ensure your lab is working correctly before moving on.
Download the BinaryTree.java
interface using: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BMC-CS-151/BMC-CS-151.github.io/main/hws/hw08/BinaryTree.java
Now, copy over DriverHW04.java
, PopulatedPlace.java
, Place.java
, LookupZip.java
, LocatedPlace.java
and the .csv
files from HW04. Change the name of DriverHW04
to DriverHW08
Next copy over your LinkedBinaryTree.java
and AVLTree.java
from Lab10.
Compile your Lab LinkedBinaryTree.java
with the new BinaryTree
interface file. You should see an error requiring you to implement a get
method. Implement the method accordingly.
Once your AVLTree is functional, modify your hw4 files to use an AVL instead of an ExpandableArray. Think about what methods to use
your AVLTree for storage and lookup. For example, think about what methods to use instead of set
. Remove any old code related to sorting or BinarySearch since that doesn’t make sense for an search tree data structure.
The rest of the restrictions and correctness requirements for HWs 01 and 04
remain, however, your toString() for Place
, LocatedPlace
, and PopulatedPlace
, should only return the zip code:
zipcode: 19010
zipcode: 99400
No such zipcode
zipcode: 91729
zipcode: 97252
zipcode: 00000
Good Bye!
More sample input/outputs are available here:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BMC-CS-151/BMC-CS-151.github.io/main/hws/hw04/in.txt
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BMC-CS-151/BMC-CS-151.github.io/main/hws/hw04/out.txt
Time your new implementation using commandline redirection of in.txt
test file from HW04.
That is, issue the
following command at the prompt:
time java DriverHW08 uszipcodes.csv ziplocs.csv < in.txt > myout.txt
Compare the result with your HW04 implementation. Is there a speedup? Report your findings in your README.
Add support for the following flag:
indicates that you should print additional debugging information on your
AVL tree, in the following format: height of your AVL tree, as an integer on
its own line, followed by the toString of your tree. For example, if there
are only the following three zipcodes in the input (19010, 91729 and 97252),
your output should be:1
19010(1) 91729(2) 97252(1)
Modify the toString
of your place classes to only print the zip. Print this additional debugging output before taking query input interactively, as usual.
Submit the following files to the assignment called HW08
on Gradescope
Make sure to name these files exactly what we specify here. Otherwise,
our autograders might not work and we might have to take points off.
DO NOT submit a .docx or .pdf file.
DO NOT submit any .class
files or any of the csv
DO NOT submit BinaryTree.java
You will likely want to submit the files from your own laptop/computer.
To copy the files from goldengate
to your own machine,
open up a terminal on your own computer. If you have a mac or linux, you can use the
Terminal application, if you have a windows you can use the Powershell app.
Run the following command:
$ scp <username>@goldengate.cs.brynmawr.edu/home/<username>/cs151/homeworks/hw00/*
Make sure to replace <username>
with your username. scp
is a command to secure-copy files
from one server to another. In this case, from goldengate
to your own machine.